Customer Support

Here are some carefully crafted Langbase powered AI solutions for customer support:

Ticket Summarization

  • Ticket Summarization: Summarize customer support tickets to help support agents understand issues quickly and provide faster resolutions.
  • AI-Powered Query Response: Enable customer support to use AI to generate accurate answers to user queries based on the provided docs. This improving accuracy and speeds up the support process.
  • FAQ Generation: Automatically generate FAQ entries from customer inquiries and support interactions.

Check out this Pipe to summarize customer support tickets into FAQ entries.


  • Multilingual Chatbots: AI translators can enable chatbots to understand and respond to customer queries in multiple languages, improving customer experience and expanding reach.
  • Real-time Translation: Customer service representatives can use AI translators to communicate with customers in real-time, regardless of language barriers.
  • Knowledge Base Localization: Automatically translate FAQs, help articles, and other support documents into different languages to cater to a global audience.
  • Voice Support: Translate spoken language during support calls to facilitate communication between customers and support agents who speak different languages.

Check out this Pipe to translate customer support messages to understand and respond to customer queries in multiple languages.

Documentation Bot

  • Instant Document Access: AI chatbots provide immediate access to relevant documents, reducing the time spent searching through databases.
  • Document Search Assistance: You can create a chatbot using a Langbase pipe to help users find specific documents based on keywords and queries.
  • Policy and Procedure Guidance: Chatbots guide users through company policies and procedures, offering step-by-step assistance for better understanding and compliance.

Check out this RAG based Pipe that Langbase Pipe FAQs to answer your questions.


Memory is not public

Forked Pipe does not contain any memory. Please create a memory, add document, and attach it to the Pipe to use the solution. Learn more about memory.

AI Chatbot

  • 24/7 Automated Assistance: AI Chatbots can handle common customer queries around the clock, reducing the need for human agents.
  • Support Ticket System Integration: You can create a chatbot using a Langbase pipe to automatically create and update support tickets based on user interactions.
  • Product Troubleshooting: Chatbots can guide customers through troubleshooting steps for common issues with products or services.

Check out this Pipe that can converse with the user, extract information and create an appropriate customer support ticket.

Documentation can be saved as memory and attached to the Pipe to allow LLMs to use it for generating responses.

Check out this RAG based Pipe that uses documentation docs to generate responses.


Memory is not public

Forked Pipe does not contain any memory. Please create a memory, add document, and attach it to the Pipe to use the solution. Learn more about memory.