Pipe Examples

Examples of Apps built using Pipe and its features like generate, chat, stream, moderate, and JSON.

AI Tech Guide Writer

This example uses a simple tech blog writer Pipe. It uses the Pipe generate API to generate guides on the provided topic. You can also define max words and sentences per paragrah.

Since the app uses a Pipe, we can easily switch LLM models without changing the code. Right now, it is using the gemma-7b-it model from Groq.

Try out the example and take a look at the source code to see how easy it is to build an app using Pipe.

AI Chatbot

This example uses a chatbot Pipe on Langbase to create an efficient, streaming-enabled chatbot for any use-case. It uses the Pipe chat API.

Since the app uses a Pipe, we can easily switch to any LLM model from the extensive list of providers on Langbase. You can customize the prompt of the pipe, and the chatbot will respond accordingly.

Try out the example and take a look at the source code to see how easy it is to build an app using Pipe.