Agent Architectures

Agent architectures refer to the design and organization of AI agents, which autonomously perform tasks by leveraging LLMs, tools, and structured workflows. It defines how agents process inputs, make decisions, and interact with their environment to achieve specific objectives.

Reference agent architectures

  1. Augmented LLM
  2. Prompt chaining
  3. Agentic Routing
  4. Agent Parallelization
  5. Orchestration workers
  6. Evaluator-optimizer
  7. Augmented LLM with Tools

Augmented LLM (Pipe Agent)

Langbase Augmented LLM (Pipe Agent) is the fundamental component of an agentic system. It is a Large Language Model (LLM) enhanced with augmentations such as retrieval, tools, and memory. Our current models can actively utilize these capabilities—generating their own search queries, selecting appropriate tools, and determining what information to retain using memory.

Augmented LLM Example

import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { Langbase } from 'langbase';


const langbase = new Langbase({
  apiKey: process.env.LANGBASE_API_KEY!,

async function main() {
	// Create a pipe agent
	const summaryAgent = await langbase.pipe.create({
		name: "summary-agent",
		messages: [
				role: "system",
				content: 'You are a helpful assistant that summarizes text.'

	// Run the pipe agent
	const inputText = `Langbase is the most powerful serverless platform for building AI agents
	with memory. Build, scale, and evaluate AI agents with semantic memory (RAG) and
	world-class developer experience. We process billions of AI messages tokens daily.
	Built for every developer, not just AI/ML experts. Compared to complex AI frameworks,
	Langbase is simple, serverless, and the first composable AI platform`;

	const { completion } = await{
		messages: [
				role: "user",
				content: inputText,



Prompt chaining and composition

Prompt chaining splits a task into steps, with each LLM call using the previous step's result. It improves accuracy by simplifying each step, making it ideal for structured tasks like content generation and verification.

Prompt Chaining Example


import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { Langbase } from 'langbase';


const langbase = new Langbase({
	apiKey: process.env.LANGBASE_API_KEY!

async function main(inputText: string) {
	// Prompt chaining steps
	const steps = [
			name: 'summary-agent',
			model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
				'summarize the product description into two concise sentences',
			prompt: `Please summarize the following product description into two concise
			name: 'features-agent',
			model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
			description: 'extract key product features as bullet points',
			prompt: `Based on the following summary, list the key product features as
			bullet points:\n`
			name: 'marketing-copy-agent',
			model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
				'generate a polished marketing copy using the bullet points',
			prompt: `Using the following bullet points of product features, generate a
			compelling and refined marketing copy for the product, be precise:\n`

	//  Create the pipe agents
	await Promise.all( =>
				model: step.model,
				messages: [
						role: 'system',
						content: `You are a helpful assistant that can ${step.description}.`

	// Initialize the data with the raw input.
	let data = inputText;

	try {
		// Process each step in the workflow sequentially.
		for (const step of steps) {
			// Call the LLM for the current step.
			const response = await{
				stream: false,
				messages: [{ role: 'user', content: `${step.prompt} ${data}` }]

			data = response.completion;

			console.log(`Step: ${} \n\n Response: ${data}`);

			// Gate on summary agent output to ensure it is not too brief.
			// If summary is less than 10 words, throw an error to stop the workflow.
			if ( === 'summary-agent' && data.split(' ').length < 10) {
				throw new Error(
					'Gate triggered for summary agent. Summary is too brief. Exiting workflow.'
	} catch (error) {
		console.error('Error in main workflow:', error);

	// The final refined marketing copy
	console.log('Final Refined Product Marketing Copy:', data);

const inputText = `Our new smartwatch is a versatile device featuring a high-resolution display,
long-lasting battery life,fitness tracking, and smartphone connectivity. It's designed for
everyday use and is water-resistant. With cutting-edge sensors and a sleek design, it's
perfect for tech-savvy individuals.`;


Agent Routing

Routing classifies inputs and directs them to specialized LLMs for better accuracy. It helps optimize performance by handling different tasks separately, like sorting queries or assigning models based on complexity.

Routing Example


import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { Langbase } from 'langbase';


// Initialize Langbase with your API key
const langbase = new Langbase({
	apiKey: process.env.LANGBASE_API_KEY!

// Specialized agents configurations
const agentConfigs = {
	router: {
		name: 'router-agent',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: `You are a router agent. Your job is to read the user's request and decide
		which specialized agent is best suited to handle it.
		Blow are the agents you can route to:
			- summary: Summarizes the text
			- reasoning: Analyzes and provides reasoning for the text
			- coding: Provides a coding solution for the text

		Only respond with valid JSON that includes a single field "agent" whose value must
		be one of ["summary", "reasoning", "coding"] based on the user's request.
		For example: {"agent":"summary"}.
		No additional text or explanation—just the JSON.
	summary: {
		name: 'summary-agent',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: 'Summarize the following text:\n'
	reasoning: {
		name: 'reasoning-agent',
		model: 'groq:deepseek-r1-distill-llama-70b',
		prompt: 'Analyze and provide reasoning for:\n'
	coding: {
		name: 'coding-agent',
		model: 'anthropic:claude-3-5-sonnet-latest',
		prompt: 'Provide a coding solution for:\n'

// Create the router and specialized agent pipes
async function createPipes() {
	// Create router and all specialized agent
	await Promise.all(
		Object.entries(agentConfigs).map(([key, config]) =>
				model: config.model,
				messages: [
						role: 'system',
						content: config.prompt

// Router agent
async function routerAgent(inputText: string) {
	const response = await{
		stream: false,
		name: 'router-agent',
		messages: [
				role: 'user',
				content: inputText

	// The router's response should look like: {"agent":"summary"} or {"agent":"reasoning"} or {"agent":"coding"}
	// We parse the completion to extract the agent value
	return JSON.parse(response.completion);

async function main(inputText: string) {
	try {
		// Create pipes first
		await createPipes();

		// Step A: Determine which agent to route to
		const route = await routerAgent(inputText);
		console.log('Router decision:', route);

		// Step B: Call the appropriate agent
		const agent = agentConfigs[route.agent];

		const response = await{
			stream: false,
			messages: [
				{ role: 'user', content: `${agent.prompt} ${inputText}` }

		// Final output
			`Agent: ${} \n\n Response: ${response.completion}`
	} catch (error) {
		console.error('Error in main workflow:', error);

// Example usage:
const inputText = 'Why days are shorter in winter?';


Agent Parallelization

Parallelization runs multiple LLM tasks at the same time to improve speed or accuracy. It works by splitting a task into independent parts (sectioning) or generating multiple responses for comparison (voting).

Voting is a parallelization method where multiple LLM calls generate different responses for the same task. The best result is selected based on agreement, predefined rules, or quality evaluation, improving accuracy and reliability.

Parallelization Example


import { Langbase } from 'langbase';
import dotenv from 'dotenv';


const langbase = new Langbase({
	apiKey: process.env.LANGBASE_API_KEY!

// Agent configurations
const agentConfigs = {
	sentiment: {
		name: 'email-sentiment',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: `
			You are a helpful assistant that can analyze the sentiment of the email.
			Only respond with the sentiment, either "positive", "negative" or "neutral".
			Do not include any markdown formatting, code blocks, or backticks in your response.
			The response should be a raw JSON object that can be directly parsed.
			Example response:
				"sentiment": "positive"
	summary: {
		name: 'email-summary',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: `
			You are a helpful assistant that can summarize the email.
			Only respond with the summary.
			Do not include any markdown formatting, code blocks, or backticks in your response.
			The response should be a raw JSON object that can be directly parsed.
			Example response:
				"summary": "The email is about a product that is not working."
	decisionMaker: {
		name: 'email-decision-maker',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: `
			You are a decision maker that analyzes and decides if the given email requires
			a response or not.
			Make sure to check if the email is spam or not. If the email is spam, then it
			does not need a response.
			If it requires a response, based on the email urgency, decide the response
			date. Also define the response priority.

			Use following keys and values accordingly
			- respond: true or false
			- category: spam or not spam
			- priority: low, medium, high, urgent

			Do not include any markdown formatting, code blocks, or backticks in your response.
			The response should be a raw JSON object that can be directly parsed.

// Create all pipes
async function createPipes() {
	await Promise.all(
		Object.entries(agentConfigs).map(([key, config]) =>
				model: config.model,
				json: true,
				messages: [
						role: 'system',
						content: config.prompt

async function main(emailInput: string) {
	try {
		// Create pipes first
		await createPipes();

		// Sentiment analysis
		const emailSentimentAgent = async (email: string) => {
			const response = await{
				stream: false,
				messages: [
						role: 'user',
						content: email
			return JSON.parse(response.completion).sentiment;

		// Summarize email
		const emailSummaryAgent = async (email: string) => {
			const response = await{
				stream: false,
				messages: [
						role: 'user',
						content: email
			return JSON.parse(response.completion).summary;

		// Determine if a response is needed
		const emailDecisionMakerAgent = async (
			summary: string,
			sentiment: string
		) => {
			const response = await{
				stream: false,
				messages: [
						role: 'user',
						content: `Email summary: ${summary}\nEmail sentiment: ${sentiment}`
			return JSON.parse(response.completion);

		// Parallelize the requests
		const [emailSentiment, emailSummary] = await Promise.all([

		console.log('Email Sentiment:', emailSentiment);
		console.log('Email Summary:', emailSummary);

		// aggregator based on the results
		const emailDecision = await emailDecisionMakerAgent(

		console.log('should respond:', emailDecision.respond);
		console.log('category:', emailDecision.category);
		console.log('priority:', emailDecision.priority);

		return emailDecision;
	} catch (error) {
		console.error('Error in main workflow:', error);

const email = `
		Hi John,
		I'm really disappointed with the service I received yesterday. The product
		was faulty and customer support was unhelpful. How can I apply for a refund?


Agentic Orchestration-workers

The orchestrator-workers workflow has a main LLM (orchestrator) that breaks a task into smaller parts and assigns them to worker LLMs. The orchestrator then gathers their results to complete the task, making it useful for complex and unpredictable jobs.

Orchestration-workers Example


import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { Langbase } from 'langbase';


const langbase = new Langbase({
	apiKey: process.env.LANGBASE_API_KEY!

// Agent configurations
const agentConfigs = {
	orchestrator: {
		name: 'orchestrator',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: `
      You are an orchestrator agent. Analyze the user's task and break it into
      smaller and distinct subtasks. Return your response in JSON format with:
      - An analysis of the task extracted from the task. No extra steps like
      proofreading, summarizing, etc.
      - A list of subtasks, each with a "description" (what needs to be done).

      Do not include any markdown formatting, code blocks, or backticks in your response.
      The response should be a raw JSON object that can be directly parsed.

      Example response:
        "analysis": "The task is to describe benefits and drawbacks of electric cars",
        "subtasks": [
          { "description": "Write about the benefits of electric cars." },
          { "description": "Write about the drawbacks of electric cars." }
	worker: {
		name: 'worker-agent',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: `
      You are a worker agent working on a specific part of a larger task.
      You are given a subtask and you need to complete it.
      You are given the original task and the subtask.
      You need to complete the subtask.
	synthesizer: {
		name: 'synthesizer-agent',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: `You are an expert synthesizer agent. Combine the following results into a
	cohesive final output.`

// Create all pipes
async function createPipes() {
	await Promise.all(
		Object.entries(agentConfigs).map(([key, config]) =>
				model: config.model,
				messages: [
						role: 'system',
						content: config.prompt

// Main orchestration workflow
async function orchestratorAgent(task: string) {
	try {
		// Create pipes first
		await createPipes();

		// Step 1: Use the orchestrator LLM to break down the task
		const orchestrationResults = await{
			stream: false,
			messages: [
					role: 'user',
					content: `Task: ${task}`

		// Parse the orchestrator's JSON response
		const { analysis, subtasks } = JSON.parse(

		console.log('Task Analysis:', analysis);
		console.log('Generated Subtasks:', subtasks);

		// Step 2: Process each subtask in parallel using worker LLMs
		const workerAgentsResults = await Promise.all( subtask => {
				const workerAgentResult = await{
					stream: false,
					messages: [
							role: 'user',
							content: `
                The original task is:

                Your specific subtask is:

                Provide a concise response for this subtask. Only respond with the
				response for the subtask.

				return { subtask, result: workerAgentResult.completion };

		// Step 3: Synthesize all results into a final output
		const synthesizerAgentInput = workerAgentsResults
				workerResponse =>
					`Subtask Description: ${workerResponse.subtask.description}\n

		const synthesizerAgentResult = await{
			stream: false,
			messages: [
					role: 'user',
					content: `Combine the following results into a complete solution:\n

			'Final Synthesized Output:\n',
		return synthesizerAgentResult.completion;
	} catch (error) {
		console.error('Error in orchestration workflow:', error);
		throw error;

// Example usage
async function main() {
	const task = `
    Write a blog post about the benefits of remote work.
    Include sections on productivity, work-life balance, and environmental impact.

	await orchestratorAgent(task);



The evaluator-optimizer workflow uses one LLM to generate a response and another to review and improve it. This cycle repeats until the result meets the desired quality, making it useful for tasks that benefit from iterative refinement.

Evaluator-Optimizer Example


import dotenv from 'dotenv';
import { Langbase } from 'langbase';


const langbase = new Langbase({
	apiKey: process.env.LANGBASE_API_KEY!

// Agent configurations
const agentConfigs = {
	generator: {
		name: 'generator-agent',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: `
      You are a skilled assistant tasked with creating or improving a product description.
      Your goal is to produce a concise, engaging, and informative description based on
      the task and feedback provided.
	evaluator: {
		name: 'evaluator-agent',
		model: 'google:gemini-2.0-flash',
		prompt: `
      You are an evaluator agent tasked with reviewing a product description.
      If the description matches the requirements and needs no further changes, respond just with "ACCEPTED" and nothing else.
      ONLY suggest changes if it is not ACCEPTED.
      If not accepted, provide constructive feedback on how to improve it based on the original task requirements.

// Create all pipes
async function createPipes() {
	await Promise.all(
		Object.entries(agentConfigs).map(([key, config]) =>
				model: config.model,
				messages: [
						role: 'system',
						content: config.prompt

// Main evaluator-optimizer workflow
async function evaluatorOptimizerWorkflow(task: string) {
	try {
		// Create pipes first
		await createPipes();

		let solution = ''; // The solution being refined
		let feedback = ''; // Feedback from the evaluator
		let iteration = 0;
		const maxIterations = 5; // Limit to prevent infinite loops

		while (iteration < maxIterations) {
			console.log(`\n--- Iteration ${iteration + 1} ---`);

			// Step 1: Generator creates or refines the solution
			const generatorResponse = await{
				stream: false,
				messages: [
						role: 'user',
						content: `
              Task: ${task}
              Previous Feedback (if any): ${feedback}
              Create or refine the product description accordingly.

			solution = generatorResponse.completion;
			console.log('Generated Solution:', solution);

			// Step 2: Evaluator provides feedback
			const evaluatorResponse = await{
				stream: false,
				messages: [
						role: 'user',
						content: `
              Original requirements:

              Current description:

              Please evaluate it and provide feedback or indicate if it is acceptable.

			feedback = evaluatorResponse.completion.trim();
			console.log('Evaluator Feedback:', feedback);

			// Step 3: Check if solution is accepted
			if (feedback.toUpperCase() === 'ACCEPTED') {
				console.log('\nFinal Solution Accepted:', solution);
				return solution;


		console.log('\nMax iterations reached. Final Solution:', solution);
		return solution;
	} catch (error) {
		console.error('Error in evaluator-optimizer workflow:', error);
		throw error;

// Example usage
async function main() {
	const task = `
    Write a product description for an eco-friendly water bottle.
    The target audience is environmentally conscious millennials.
    Key features include: plastic-free materials, insulated design,
    and a lifetime warranty.

	await evaluatorOptimizerWorkflow(task);


Augmented LLM with Tools

Langbase pipe agent is the fundamental component of an agentic system. It is a Large Language Model (LLM) enhanced with augmentations such as retrieval, tools, and memory. Our current models can actively utilize these capabilities—generating their own search queries, selecting appropriate tools, and determining what information to retain using memory.

Pipe Example

import { Langbase, getToolsFromRun } from "langbase";

const langbase = new Langbase({
	apiKey: process.env.LANGBASE_API_KEY!,

async function main() {
	// Create a pipe agent
	const weatherPipeAgent = await langbase.pipe.create({
		name: "langbase-weather-pipe-agent",
		messages: [
				role: "system",
				content: 'You are a helpful assistant that can get the weather of a given location.',

	// Define a weather tool
	const weatherTool = {
		"type": "function",
		"function": {
			"name": "get_current_weather",
			"description": "Get the current weather of a given location",
			"parameters": {
				"type": "object",
				"required": [
				"properties": {
					"unit": {
						"enum": [
						"type": "string"
					"location": {
						"type": "string",
						"description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA"

	function get_current_weather() {
		return "It's 70 degrees and sunny in SF.";

	const tools = {

	// Run the pipe agent with the tool
	const response = await{
		messages: [
				role: "user",
				content: 'What is the weather in San Francisco?',
		tools: [weatherTool]

	const toolsFromRun = await getToolsFromRun(response);
	const hasToolCalls = toolsFromRun.length > 0;

	if (hasToolCalls) {
		const messages = [];
		// call all the functions in the toolCalls array
		toolCalls.forEach(async toolCall => {
			const toolName =;
			const toolParameters = JSON.parse(toolCall.function.arguments);
			const toolFunction = tools[toolName];

			const toolResult = toolFunction(toolParameters); // Call the tool function with the tool parameters

				role: 'tool',
				name: toolName,
				content: toolResult,

		const { completion } = await{
			threadId: response.threadId,
			stream: false,

		} else {
		// No tool calls, just return the completion


Memory Agent

Langbase memory agents represent the next frontier in semantic retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) as a serverless and infinitely scalable API designed for developers. 30-50x less expensive than the competition, with industry-leading accuracy in advanced agentic routing, retrieval, and more.

Memory Agent Example

import { Langbase } from "langbase";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import fs from "fs";
import https from "https";


const langbase = new Langbase({
  apiKey: process.env.LANGBASE_API_KEY!,

async function main() {
  // Step 1: Create a memory
  const memory = await langbase.memory.create({
    name: "employee-handbook-memory",
    description: "Memory for employee handbook",

  console.log("Memory created:",;

  // Step 2: Download the employee handbook file
  const fileUrl =
  const fileName = "employee-handbook.txt";

  await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
      .get(fileUrl, (response) => {
        const fileStream = fs.createWriteStream(fileName);
        fileStream.on("finish", () => {
          console.log("Employee handbook downloaded successfully");
      .on("error", (err) => {
        console.error("Error downloading employee handbook:", err);

  // Step 3: Upload the employee handbook to memory
  const fileContent = fs.readFileSync(fileName);
  await langbase.memory.documents.upload({
    contentType: "text/plain",
    documentName: fileName,
    document: fileContent,

  console.log("Employee handbook uploaded to memory");

  // Step 4: Create a pipe
  const pipe = await langbase.pipe.create({
    name: "employee-handbook-pipe",
    description: "Pipe for querying employee handbook",
    memory: [{ name: "employee-handbook-memory" }],

  console.log("Pipe created:",;

  // Step 5: Ask a question
  const question = "What is the company policy on remote work?";
  const { completion } = await{
    name: "employee-handbook-pipe",
    messages: [{ role: "user", content: question }],
    stream: false,

  console.log("Question:", question);
  console.log("Answer:", completion);
