⌘ Langbase SDK

We provide a TypeScript AI SDK to make things even more conventient for developers. However, developers can use our with native REST APIs with any language of their choice. Our APIs are designed to be simple, easy to use, and scalable.

Core functionality

  • Generate text: generateText() to generate text using pipes with any LLM
  • Stream text: streamText() to stream text using pipes with any LLM
  • Coming to SDK next month (already available in REST API):
    • Memory mangement: Long term memory, upload, download, and delete docs from memory with a managed search engine layer with embeddings and internet access
Feature request

Let us know about any other features you'd like us to build in the SDK by submitting a feature request.

Generate Text

Use any Large Language Model (LLM) with a Pipe to generate text using generateText() function.

generateText() with a generate pipe

import {Pipe} from 'langbase';
const myPipe = new Pipe({apiKey: <YOUR_PIPE_API_KEY>});

let {completion} = await myPipe.generateText({
	messages: [{role: 'user', content: 'Who is an AI Engineer?'}],

Stream Text

Use any Large Language Model (LLM) with a Pipe to stream chunks of text (like ChatGPT) using streamText() function. This is useful for user facing use cases so AI can stream text in real-time without a user having to wait sometimes minutes for the complete response to come back.

streamText() with a generate pipe

import {Pipe} from 'langbase';
const myPipe = new Pipe({apiKey: <YOUR_PIPE_API_KEY>});

// Generate a stream by asking a question
const {stream} = await pipe.streamText({
  messages: [{role: 'user', content: 'Who is an AI Engineer?'}],

// 3. Print the stream
for await (const chunk of stream) {
  // Streaming text part — a single word or several.
  const textPart = chunk.choices[0]?.delta?.content || '';

  // Demo: Print the stream — you can use it however.

Explore code examples

Streaming text works differently in Node.js vs browser. Please check out different examples like the Next.js examples or the React example.

Next steps

Time to build. Check out the quickstart examples or Explore the API reference.